L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .253
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B253. Distrubutor product ID: 749002349-749002349-20554.
Indicative Price: USD 14.99
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Availability: In stock while stock lasts.
Condition: BRAND NEW
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L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .329
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B329. Distrubutor product ID: 749002432-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .321
USD 18.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B321. Distrubutor product ID: 749002274-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .258
USD 17.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B258. Distrubutor product ID: 749002483-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .198
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B198. Distrubutor product ID: 749002342-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .263
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B263. Distrubutor product ID: 749002427-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .251
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B251. Distrubutor product ID: 749002393-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .286
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B286. Distrubutor product ID: 749002398-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .241
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B241. Distrubutor product ID: 749002422-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .337
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B337. Distrubutor product ID: 749002408-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .347
USD 18.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B347. Distrubutor product ID: 749002228-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .244
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B244. Distrubutor product ID: 749002474-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .316
USD 18.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B316. Distrubutor product ID: 749002269-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .328
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B328. Distrubutor product ID: 749002431-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .250
USD 14.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B250. Distrubutor product ID: 749002423-749002349-20554.
L.E. Wilson Neck Sizing Bushings Steel Neck Sizer Die Bushing .299
USD 18.99
(Indicative price - actual current price possibly lower)
Gun Neck Size Bushings by L.E. Wilson
Bushings are available in increments of .001" from .185" through .199" and .218" through .343". The easiest way to tell the bushing size needed is to measure your loaded rounds at the neck. This caliper or micrometer reading indicates bullet diameter plus twice the thickness of the neck. The bushing diameter must measure less than this, we suggest .002" to .003" smaller. Taking into account the spring-back of the case neck after sizing, this would give you .001" to .002" "grip" on the bullet. View other sizes: .185" to .252" .253" to .302" .303" to .369" Manufacturer: l.E. Wilson, inc. Reliable & durable quality gun neck size bushings by L.E. Wilson for professional and expert users. Item Part Number: B299. Distrubutor product ID: 749002266-749002349-20554.
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